nomazi nomazi

Despre frică și nomazi digitali

Un interviu pentru o comunitate internațională de nomazi digitali: Being Brave: Travelling without fear as a solo female nomad. Am vorbit despre curaj, munca remote cu un job full-time și călătoritul solo prin locuri îndepărtate.

Despre nomazi digitali și despre frică

As a woman I never had the belief that traveling alone was something different or potentially dangerous or that I needed a man to guard me or keep me company. Actually, in my childhood I loved the books of Jules Verne and I was daydreaming of adventures in exotic places, exploring jungles in Africa or meeting dinosaurs in The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Being able to recover some of the innocence from back then makes me really happy and I try to share the joy of exploration with other people, regardless of their gender or past experiences.

There are too many messages out there about the dangers, about the evil, about the inutility of visiting places in distant, sometimes poorer, countries. Is it like a stigma, difficult to kill: don’t travel alone if you are a woman, don’t visit South or Central America because it is dangerous (or do it, but only with an agency), don’t eat food from the street or you’ll get sick, don’t stay with the locals, but in big safe resorts where you are like in a zoo, etc.

I say ”don’t take anything for granted” and ”question everything”. Shortly, think for yourself, not through other people’s eyes, go see the world and learn something that can help you grow, it will be the best spent money in your life! In the end, we don’t take with us the cars and the houses and the regrets. We are on this earth for a short time and what we make of our time here is the only thing that matters.

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